Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Well, things have been pretty quiet around here. I went through Charlie's clothes today and got rid of SOOOO much stuff that doesn't fit him. He is so difficult to get clothes for. He is super long, but super skinny as well. (About 12lbs now, and almost 28ins long. Yes, 28.) I bought him some new clothes from Kmart and some more of the Ventaire bottles. He seems to be doing very well with those. He was pretty cranky this morning. I am not sure why, but he is in a much better mood now.
He is weaned down on the methadone now to 0.1mL every 12 hours. Almost off of it!! We started out at 0.2mLs every 8 hours when we came home.
His cardiologist appointment is Friday. I am pretty anxious since it is our first since being home. I don't know what to expect. I am starting to memorize his meds and how much he is on and how often. My heart mom friends were so right when they said that things would get easier when I get home.
I noticed he still gets really sweaty with feeds and while sleeping and whatnot. It's pretty scary. I try to keep him in thin pj's without a onesie underneath.
Charlie will be in the Standard Times tomorrow in the Health section if anyone is interested. I have to go start dinner since my sister and her friend will be here soon. Update later!


Healing nicely :)

Meds, meds, meds.

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